Friday, December 27, 2019

Top 10 Space Missions Set to Explore New Frontiers

Top 10 Space Missions Set to Explore New Frontiers Top 10 Space Missions Set to Explore New Frontiers Top 10 Space Missions Set to Explore New Frontiers, Part 1In the good old days, menschenwrdig space flight ruled. But robotic space missions have taken over, and advanced technology is helping us find new planets, better understand our universe, and discover clues to extraterrestrial life.Jeffrey Hoffman, former U.S. astronaut and MIT professor, misses the good old days. When I was flying in space, we were putting 40 astronauts a year, now we are putting four, he laments. Those astronauts are primarily dispatched to the International Space Station for maintenance and scientific research. But Hoffman realizes new technologies enable great advances, including NASAs human landing on roter planet scheduled for some time in the 2030s. The private sector will also play a key role in spaceflight, especially with contributions from companies like SpaceX, Virgin Galactic and Blue Origin, whic h are all striving to introduce new efficiencies and reduce overall costs to the industry. NASAs Mars InSight Lander successfully launched Saturday, May 5, aboard the United Launch Alliance Atlas rocket from Vandenberg Air force Base in southern California on a6-month, 300-million-mile journey to study what lies beneath the surface of the red planet. InSight is scheduled to land on Mars on Nov. 26, 2018,where it will collect data on marsquakes, heat flow, how the planet wobbles, and other information that will help scientists gain a better understanding of the formation and evolution of rocky planets. InSight (short for Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport) is the first mission to probe the Martian surface. The operations are scheduled to end on Nov. 24, 2020. Ahandful of other exciting research missions will help us better understand the universe, making human landings on planets safer, and feeding the publics hunger to explore the final fro ntier. Here are some of the top current and planned missions from NASA, ESA, and others.Mars is intricate and complex, and it doesnt have just one surface. Its worthwhile studying Mars. Prof. Eric Ford, Penn State1.) TESS TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) launched on April 23. Also called the Planet Hunter, Tess will observe the nearest, brightest stars and possibly discover thousands of exoplanets, from small rocky worlds to giant planets. Many scientists consider TESS the most important launch in years, and itll play a big role in studying the atmosphere and other characteristics of planets. One of its major goals is to discover planets transiting stars, which could otherwise be tough to spot, says Eric Feigelson, a professor of astronomy and physics at Penn State University.TESS will monitor the brightness of 200,000 stars. When those stars dim, it could be due to an orbiting planet, which could lead to the discovery of a new planet. TESS has a wider sortiment than it s predecessor, Kepler, which discovered 2,343 exoplanets 30 of those were Earth-sized planets within a habitable zone of a star.TESS will also identify promising candidates for detailed follow-up by other powerful telescopes like Hubble and the upcoming James Webb Space Telescope to better understand these planets atmospheres, says Natalia Guerrero, TESS researcher at MIT.For You The History of the Apollo Space Suit 2.) James Webb Space Telescope The JWST is scheduled to launch in 2020. A higher-tech and mora durable version of its predecessor, Hubble, the JWST will sit 1.5 million kilometers from Earth to provide a deep eye in space, compared to Hubbles orbit of 570 kilometers from Earths surface. The infrared telescope also has more advanced optics, the better to see deeper into new galaxies. NASA will use it to study how galaxies and stars form. A key to analyzing such details is the JWSTs spectrograph, which can provide insight into physical properties of objects in space.The JW ST project, costing close to $500 million, is one of the most significant in space research history, Feigelson says. Its cool to discover new planets, but its just as important to understand the science of the universe, like planet mass and measuring distance between objects or between a moon and a planet, he says.3.) OSIRIS-REx This groundbreaking NASA mission has a simple objective of bringing an asteroid sample back to Earth, something that has never been done. The craft is traveling to an asteroid called Bennu, which is believed to contain elements of our solar systems history. OSIRIS-REx will return sometime in the 2020s. Others are also eager to mine the rich resources that may be found on asteroids. Planetary Resources, a private company, plans to launch a spacecraft, Arkyd 301, in 2020 to remotely conduct surface analysis of asteroids.4.) Mars 2020 Rover The Mars 2020 Rover mission is a step to prepare the planet for human exploration. Its scheduled to take off in July or Au gust, when the planet will be in a good position for NASA to land a robotic mission.The missions centerpiece will be the Rover vehicle, which will conduct surface and environmental analysis, check for water, and perform other tasks like extracting oxygen from the 96 percent carbon atmosphere, which is key in preparation for human exploration. The car-sized Rover is 3 meters long, 2.7 meters wide, and 2.2 meters tall, and at 1,050 kilograms is lighter than a compact car. Rover has 23 cameras and sensors to study the characteristics of Mars, as well as antennas that can send information to Earth in five to 20 minutes. Its fueled by the heat of plutonium radioactive decay.Mars is intricate and complex, and it doesnt have just one surface, says Eric Ford, a professor for astrophysics at Penn State. Its worthwhile studying Mars. 5.) ISS The U.S. will end support for the International Space Station in 2024, and its future is uncertain. Today, its the only manned mission in space, says MIT s Hoffman.NASA would love to attract more commercial uses of the space station, or have a commercial entity take over, he says. It could be used to train astronauts, since its better to have people in lower orbit than on the moon, he says.Sending astronauts to ISS has several benefits. One goal is to test the health of astronauts staying in space for long periods, sometimes more than six months. Half of ISS is dedicated to space exploration, and the other half to scientific activities. Maintaining ISS, however, is very expensive.Read Part 2 of Top 10 Space Missions Set to Explore New Frontiers to discover more about important space missions.Agam Shah is an associate editor at Mechanical Engineering magazine. You can email him at, or follow him on Twitter at agamsh.For Further Discussion

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Women Are Saying Goodbye

Women Are Saying Goodbye Women Are Saying Goodbye Could these departing women as executive employees merely be the canary in the coal mine? Could these departures also signal future purchasing departures from women who only want to spend dollars with companies and organizations who dont act like jerks?Something to think about. Add Millennials and even a portion of the 99%ers to the women with values population and this could signal a sea change to come.This is a bit of a problem. Harvard economist Claudia Goldin, a leading reesearcher in the field, has argued thatwomens increased involvement in the economy welches the most significant change in labor markets during the past century.Your first thought might be to place part of the blame on the wage gap, and youd be dead right. Many economists and financial analysts are speculating that the reason professional women, particularly those at an executive level are leaving because their salaries have become pocket moneyRecent data indica tes that since the last recession, which saw a re-entry of women into the workforce as husbands were laid off, well-educated women are starting to exit the workforce again in a larger trend seen over the past 20 years. The reason may have to do with the faster-growing salaries of men versus women.The picture this economy paints today is reminiscient of the WW2 workers who filled in the gaps when the male workforce was away, only in our more recent case, women picked up the slack when men were laid off. But the similarities continuedDuring our mini recession women could be and were paid less, making them an attractive alternative.Now that the economy is showing signs of recovery, the pay gap is once again widening and women are leaving the workforce (the men are back).Often times, entire paychecks are going to care for children.But there are other voices, who while acknowledging the cyclical pattern of women leaving the workforce and the rightfully outrageous pay discrepancies that e xist at even the highest echelons of corporations, who say that while women may be leaving the workforce at the highest numbers in decades, they may be carving out different kinds of employment for themselves and their families, and leading one of the biggest workforce shifts in our industrialized history.Anecdotally, Id say there is an underground sea change afoot. Everywhere I look, women are starting microbusinessesselling jewelry or T-shirts on, becoming personal trainers, freelance writing and editing, offering birth support as doulas, massaging clients in their homes. Legally, or not-so-legally, women are increasingly working 10-40 hours a week outside the traditional workforce modelin addition to raising their children. Are the statistics tracking this? At least for the cash-economy jobs, almost certainly not.One fascinating study has found this may be a personal choice by women to deny any discrimination they MAY face. Essentially, walking away when their market val ue is the highest to avoid seeing the unfair paychecks and bungled promotions.But for smart recruiters, HR Practitioners and organizations looking to keep this educated and experienced workforce in play, ideas abound, including the ever popular job sharing options, work flex time, smaller commutes, subsidized childcare and more options for working mothers.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Harnessing the Power of Semantic Search

Harnessing the Power of Semantic SearchHarnessing the Power of Semantic SearchHarnessing the Power of Semantic Search RosshiemMany have called semantic search the future of resume search technology.But what exactly is semantic search?Imagine search engines that dont get hung up on the particular words that you and your perfect candidates use to describe a given profession. Instead, semantic search interprets the meaning behind the words and concepts.If that simple concept still sounds murky, theres good news to reap the benefits of semantic search, you dont need to know how it works.Heres a glimpse behind the curtain of semantic search that will help inform your use of it.The Power of More Accurate SearchBasically, semantic search gets down to the meaning of words the terms of your query and the prose in the resume database to separate the wheat from the chaff much more effectively than conventional search.Maybe the most surprising aspect of semantic search is that it lets you desc ribe who youre looking for, almost as if you were speaking with a networking contact who knew all the top candidates out there.Semantic search incorporates context toaddressa lot of language pitfalls in resumes. For example, Power Resume Search resolves misspellings, abbreviations (standard and otherwise) and synonyms and variations in terms.For example, SOX, Sarbanes-Oxley and Sarbox are all understood to refer to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.Recruiters find that its more effective to search on specific, hard skills, like C programming, than on soft skills like kollektiv player. Those all-important soft skills are best evaluated by hiring managers and HR professionals in personal interactions.Finds Candidates on their own TermsSemantic search is necessary precisely because human language is so full of variations. Ituses webs of related terms and their meanings to uncover resumes that use words closely related to your search terms. So, for example, when a recruiter or hiring manag er runs a search on programmer, the results may also include jobs titled software engineer and developer, since they are potential synonyms.Skills and traits are then weighted in semantic search to produce optimal ranking of results. Power Resume Search gives more weight to a candidates experience thats more recent, for example.Even in the current buyers labor market, perfect candidates are often elusive. Thus Power Resume Search lets recruiters designate each desired skill as either required or nice to have.Using Technology to Meld Information To match your search query with the best candidates, semantic search combines advanced analytics with real-world knowledge of occupations in many industries.For each resume, the technology extracts concepts and tags sections. Theinformation in the resume is analyzed and summarized to produce a conceptual portrait of the candidate.subject-matter experts encode knowledge from many professional fields to find all the ways of referring to that co ncept, and determine where the concept fits in the semantic space of industries and occupations.Heres one such example because advertising is a form of absatzwirtschaft communications, a resume with advertising copywriter in its Job Experience section can be presumed to belong to a candidate who has some marketing experience.Without the right technology, making all of this come together is exceptionally difficult and fraught with problems.For instance, parsing errors can cause some words to be misinterpreted because their context is misconstrued. If a CPAs resume states that she is marketing herself as a forensic accountant, the resume search engine should not classify her as a marketing professional. Sophisticated semantic search will analyze where in the resume marketing appears and interpret the word in that context.Will Semantic Search Reshape Recruiting?Who needs professional recruiters when semantic search is available? Most employers who have been using recruiters will find t hat these human experts will remain essential to the sourcing, recruiting and hiring cycles.Armed with semantic search in their tool belts, recruiters can focus on developing relationships with clients and candidatesand find the right candidate with greater efficiency.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Customize this Outstanding Nursing RN Resume Template

Customize this Outstanding Nursing RN Resume TemplateCustomize this Outstanding Nursing RN Resume TemplateWriting the RN Resume TemplateCreate ResumePut your best foot forward when applying for a new job by submitting a well-written resume. Adding relevant skills and educational facts to each section is not enough to make a resume really shine, however. A stellar RN resume template like the one below has a powerful presentation that will highlight your abilities.Resume Template for an RNAndrew CarlsonProfessional SummaryHighly organized RN experienced in emergency room procedures and hospice care. Dedicated to developing rapport with health care gruppe members. Proven ability to handle high-stress situations. Provides educational and emotional support to patients and their families.Core Qualifications Alabama RN license- ACEN certified- BLS- CPR- Microsoft Office- Oral and written communicationExperienceEmergency Department RN, September 2011 presentCullman Regional Medical Center Cullman, Alabama Conducts triage on incoming patients and prioritizes treatment- Assists in implementing medical procedures and medications- Documented all symptoms and patient history for individual patients- Provides comfort to patients and their family members- Educates patients and family members on condition, treatment, follow-up care and medicationsRN Registered Nurse, April 2006 September 2011Alacare Home Health Hospice Tuscaloosa, Alabama Assessed patients physical, psychological and social environment- Documented vital statistics and reported changes to physician- Implemented prescribed treatments, including IVs and medications- Educated patients and family members on continued care and pain managementRN Telephone Triage, November 2000 April 2006Department of Veterans Affairs Birmingham, Alabama Assessed patient needs and recommended appropriate actions to promote disease management, injury prevention and emotional wellness- Offered educational advice and materials to support patients or caregivers- Documented all interactions with patientsEducation2000, Bachelor of Science, Registered NurseThe University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, AlabamaThis registered nurse resume template is just one of the many samples we have available on the site. Feel free to look around on our site to find more.Customize ResumeNursing RN Resume Questions1. How do you list education on a nursing RN resume?Your education is an essential part of your qualifications for a job as a Registered Nurse. As you can see in the nursing RN resume sample, creating a separate section for your academic credentials can make it easy for readers to compare your education with the job requirements.You dont have to include many details. Most employers only want to see the degree name and the conferring university. Listing the graduation date is wahlweise You can include it if you graduated recently or leave it out if youve been in the field for several years. This section can also include your state licensure information and additional nursing certifications.2. What goes in the header of a nursing RN resume?Just like the above the fold part of a newspaper, the first third of your document should include the most impactful information. Follow the format of the nursing RN resume sample, making sure your header includes your full name and contact information. Use a professional email address from a current server (such as gmail), and include your personal phone number. You dont need to write your full mailing address instead list your LinkedIn profile.3. How do you list references on a nursing RN resume?Most recruiters agree that listing references on a resume is an out-of-date practice. Notice that the nursing RN resume sample doesnt include a line such as references upon request. This statement isnt necessary because hiring managers will assume they can contact you for references. However, if the job description specifically asks for references, you should include this inf ormation with your application materials. Either way, make sure you have a current list of professional references to give to employers if they ask for it. Dont forget to inform the people on the list that a hiring manager may contact them.4. How can you separate your nursing RN resume from other candidates resumes?Because of the strict requirements for RN positions, other candidates will likely have educational backgrounds and work experiences similar to yours. Your resume must show recruiters why you are the best applicant for the job. You can help your document stand out from the pack by using a clear, easy-to-read format like the nursing RN resume sample. Its also essential to utilize keywords and terminology from the job description when writing your skills and accomplishments. Use your work experience section to showcase your career achievements and contributions at previous employers.5. What sections should you include in your nursing RN resume?As you can see in the nursing R N resume sample, there are several standard sections you should include in your own document. Start with an eye-catching header and concise professional summary. Then, include a place for your skills list and another section for your work experience. Finish up with an education and certifications list, or split these items into two different sections. For the easiest way to create a resume in minutes, use our convenient resume builder.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Facts, Fiction and Resume Posting Sites

Facts, Fiction and Resume Posting Sites The 30-Second Trick for Resume Posting Sites Normally, you shouldnt need to pay to get online exposure on legitimate job websites. The sites permit databases from various elements of earth. All the sites listed are totally free to deutsche post dhl your resume. Additionally, there are sites which focus on specific forms of positions or match you with employers. Human Resources today is an immense industry full of several possibilities. Real Website Job Applications will be located on the companies Web site not on another site not linked to the company that you are applying to and WILL say Job Application, a true job application wont ever say something different. Top Resume Posting Sites Secrets It is possible to create a completely free account and appear through jobs where you reside or across the nation. To be able to not be dismissed, you must tailor your FB page all around your work versus your private life. Some individuals stil l wish to make the fruchtwein of LinkedIns resume import feature. Moreover, schoolspring offers testimonials of users to provide the browser a better idea about what the site offers. The 5-Minute Rule for Resume Posting Sites Though there are lots of benefits of posting resume online. however, it never advisable to ignore the cons that may come along with it. The resume database section of ActiveHire is among the largest on the net, getting big quantities of resumes from both external and internal sources. A number of the sites to post resume online are Posting your resume online is not going to cost you anything and its something that can be accomplished in a matter of a tiny moment. An amazing thing about posting your resume online is that it may be done from the comfort of your own house. You are going to get a whole lot of spam. The majority of the websites usually charge a little fee for modifying your resume. Maybe you want various versions of your resume on distinct we bsites. If you havent ever heard the idea or concept behind Resume Rabbit, I will attempt to supply a crystal clear explanation. Resume Rabbit has existed for an extremely long moment. In addition, it enables you to apply straight to job without third-party being involved in it. With merely a tap on your screen, you can get your fantasy job. Now, obtaining a job isnt any more a strenuous undertaking. Given the present financial condition, obtaining a great job is quite tough indeed. The Upside to Resume Posting Sites Receive Ample of Opportunities As the job portals supply a platform for unique organizations to post their requirements online, you receive a pool of choices to select from. The literal information which you find in internet job postings isnt that helpful, but the info that the postings suggest is extremely helpful, he explained. You may customize the content to tailor your requirements. If youre on the lookout for methods to generate your resume stand out whe ther thats on your own personal site, video hubs, document-sharing sites or LinkedIn here are a few suggestions to get you started, together with examples for each format. Its most important to make certain that your LinkedIn is built out comprehensively with your latest employment info, and take responsibility to keep it updated. A resume posting website allows you to create the perfect resume. Possessing an online resume isnt very common, so if youre among the few men and women who posts you resume online then you silently communicate to the recruiter that youre technologically advanced. Browsing for resumes is totally free and unrestricted and doesnt require an account. No provider wants an employee who isnt keen to do anything it takes so as to find the business done. It is possible to post your resume online by producing a completely free account together with a work alert. Establish a separate email address which you use specifically for job searching. It is possible t o post any kind of job at PostJobsFree. Its free for the work seeker, so have a look at all it has to offer you. A couple of job portals also allow to attend a digital interview right on the website and become selected for your fantasy job. The perfect way to make an application for a job is to receive your resume posted on top sites. Following your very first job post, you can decide to upgrade or switch to another completely free job posting site.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

New resources and infrastructure training program in rural NSW

New resurces and infrastructure training program in rural NSW New resources and infrastructure training program in rural NSWPosted October 13, 2011, by Josie Chun If youre considering working in mining, agriculture, resources or civil infrastructure, there is a new training program being developed to qualify and prepare you for the workforce. AgriFood Skills Australia and SkillsDMC are trialling a cross-industry, entry-level, on-the-job training program that prepares participants to enter three industries mining, agriculture and local government (civil infrastructure) within the north west region of NSW. The Regional NSW Cross-Industry Training Model (CITM) will create a single training program for participants to develop the skills necessary to obtain local jobs in these industries, delivering common units selected from Certificate II in Resources and Infrastructure (Work Preparation) and Certificate II in Rural Operations. These qualifications are aligned to the RII09 Resources a nd Infrastructure Industry Training Package and the RTE03 Rural Production Training Package. This program presents enhanced job opportunities for disadvantaged job seekers, offering a means for program participants to gain higher qualifications while providing employment opportunities through a workplace pilot with 16 to 20 participants. It also provides opportunities to school students and may help curb the loss of younger people from rural areas while encouraging their pursuit of higher VET qualifications. Employers in the mining, civil infrastructure and rural sectors will benefit from this program through strengthening of the regional skills kusine and the recruitment of work-ready participants who are interested in careers in these industries. The north west region of NSW hosting this project, including the Gunnedah Basin and Narrabri, will also benefit through the development of trained participants, established cross-industry and training provider relationships, and retent ion of the local skills base. Broader community and industry involvement will also advance training infrastructure within the region. AgriFood Skills Australia is the national industry skills council for the agriculture, food processing, meat, seafood and racing industries. Its role is to support and foster the development, implementation and continuous improvement of quality, nationally recognised training products and services to these industries. SkillsDMC is a national industry skills council for the drilling, mining, quarrying and civil infrastructure sectors. Its role is to develop and implement an education and training structure which both meets the range of industry needs and satisfies educational and regulatory requirements across Australia. Employers can participate in this innovative project by providing two-week placements for participants at their organisation. Interested parties should contact Melissa Wortman from AgriFood Skills Australia on 0421 830 056 or Davi d Ellis from SkillsDMC on (02) 9299 3014. ResourcesMy first resumeCover letter for my first jobCareer Insider StoriesShelley Lask - Body Positive Health & FitnessInterested in becoming a?Human Resources OfficerGeneral ManagerBusiness ManagerAccountantOffice Administrator CoursesBachelor of Social WorkEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Health AdministrationEnquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Criminal JusticeEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Allied Health AssistanceEnquire Online Enquire OnlineJosie ChunRelated ArticlesBrowse moreWORKFORCE TRENDSUniversity graduates whos getting the work?After spending three or more years of your life studying, you might be wondering if it was all worth it. So which uni graduates are getting the most work?Education trendsEmployment trendsWhat to study in 2014With changing economic currents and job saturation, finding a career is not just about doing what we love.ProductivityWork/life balanceHow To Make The Most Out Of Y our Commute To WorkIf you are wondering how to stop your commute from eating up your day (and salary) then you are in the right place. If you cant find some inspiration on how to make the most of your commute here article well eat our hats

Thursday, November 28, 2019

A new study reaffirms that this sleeping position is the overall best

A new study reaffirms that this sleeping position is the overall bestA new study reaffirms that this sleeping position is the overall bestWe recently learned that if you have been sleeping on your side or stomach, you could be putting your health at more risk then if you slept on your back.And now, according to new data, it seems that if you dont sleep on your back you could also be hurting your career.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreAccording toa survey of 1,021 people from The Sleep Judge, 32% of people who sleep on their backs every night reported feeling content and 16% of them reported feeling motivated when they woke up. Though out of the stomach sleepers36% felt content, only 13% felt motivated.Plus 64% of back sleepers said they had quality sleep while that number was only 57% for stomach sleepers. And for fetal position sleepers, only 7% said they were motivated the nex t day. Check out the chart below for more stats on moods after sleeping positions.As for how many people jump right out of bed and start thinking about work immediately, its actually alfruchtwein the same amount of people whether you slept well or slept poorly (27% versus 26%.) However, for those who did report sleeping poorly 31% of them think about sleep when they wake up. For those who slept well16% think about food (because breakfast is the best)9% think about family first6% think about their pets or their romantic relationship (that says a lot about our society)3% think about coffee (which seems quite small as coffee is my main motivation for getting out of bed)3% think about the bathroom (never underestimate the power of bodily function)2% think about money (not too many Gordon Gekkos anymore)And a lucky 10% think about absolutely nothingInterestingly, the generation that thinks about work the most are Millennials at 30% (they thought about the bathroom the least at 2%.) They were followed by Gen X at 27% and Baby Boomers at 19%. Men think about work first more than women at 31% versus 23%.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How To Use LinkedIn Endorsements

How To Use LinkedIn EndorsementsHow To Use LinkedIn EndorsementsWhat does it mean to endorse or be endorsed on LinkedIn? Is this something that matters to your LinkedIn profile? Endorsements happen to be a valuable feature to add your profile. They allow peers, colleagues, and bosses to attest to your expertise. LinkedIn Endorsements vs. Recommendations First, its important to know that endorsements are different fromLinkedIn Recommendations. A recommendation on LinkedIn is a written reference supporting you and your work. It typically involves a few sentences (or a of couple paragraphs) published on your profile. You might consider this a virtual recommendation letter for all to see. These are very valuable to your profile. Endorsements work differently than recommendations. Anyone can visit your profile, read your skills list, and hit the endorse button for the skills they know you have. Many have questioned the value of endorsements on LinkedIn because its so easy to do. Linke dIn prompts you to endorse other people and suggests that you endorse them for certain skills. Its as simple as liking a post or a page on Facebook. Technically, you dont even have to know the person that you are endorsing. That being said, you do not want to be endorsed for every skill imaginable. For example, if you helped someone look over their resume, they endorsed you for resume writing, and you dont provide resumewriting servicesprofessionally, you wouldnt want to confuse anyone into thinking that that is what you do. On a similar note, you shouldnt be too quick to endorse everyone you know for every skill. You may not actually be helping them, and you will find that those that use LinkedIn thoughtfully will not return the favor. Endorsements on Your LinkedIn Profile When someone wants to endorse you, LinkedIn will offer suggestions on what to endorse you for (blogging, for example). When they decide to endorse you, the endorsements you receive will be listed on your prof ile in a section called Skills Expertise (listed under Experience and above Education). Is it a good idea to seek endorsements for your LinkedIn profile?While it is difficult to know for sure just how endorsements will influence recruiters or employers that review your profile, it is safe to say three things Endorsements will never hurt your profile (unless you are being endorsed for skills you dont want publicized)A lack of endorsements might make viewers skeptical about your social media savvy as well as anyskill platzsetsyou claim on your profile andCombined with recommendations, a large amount of endorsements will make you look like a superstar in your industry. How to Get the Right Endorsements Its important that the endorsements you get are a match for your skills and experience. The best way to set up your profile to get accurate endorsements is to start by itemizing a wide selection of critical skills and knowledge assets on your profile so you can give potential endors ers plenty of options to trigger endorsements. Make sure you cover asmany skillsareas as possible within your industry, especially if you are transitioning to a new field. LinkedIn Endorsement Examples Skills and expertise will generally fall into two categories Generaltransferable skills,such as writing, analysis, supervision, research, and problem solvingSpecialized skills unique to a particular industry, such as portfolio management, Python development tools,behavioral interviewing,job search strategies, search engine optimization, copywriting or estate planning. Try to incorporate a combination of both general and specialized skills into your list of skills open for endorsement. If you are branching out into a new field and dont yet possess many specialized skills, make sure you include as many transferable skills as possible. How to Get Endorsements One of the best ways to get endorsements on LinkedIn is to endorse others, particularly those that have had seen you use y our skills. LinkedIn members receive an email notification when endorsements are added to their profile, and this helps you get noticed. You also can send a simple private message, such as John,You might have noticed that I recently added endorsements to your profile. I am building up that component of my profile and would love to have any endorsements which you might feel comfortable adding given our past working relationship.Specifically, I am seeking endorsement for the following skills. Since I want to be a help to you, as well, please let me know if there is/are skill(s) that you would like more endorsements for.Thank youMary Expand How to Turn Off Endorsements You cant stop someone from endorsing you, but you can opt out of having your endorsements public. If you dont think that endorsements add value, you can hide them from your profile. Heres how Click on ProfileClick on Edit ProfileScroll down to Skills ExpertiseClick on the pencil iconClick on bildschirm your endorseme nts and selectYes, show my endorsements, orNo, dont show my endorsements How to Turn Off Endorsement Notifications If you dont want your email cluttered with notifications about the endorsements youre getting, you can turn them off. Heres how Click on Settings(under your name on the top right side of the page)Click on Email PreferencesClick on Set the frequency of emails(under Emails)Scroll down to EndorsementsSelect No Email(you can also opt for a Daily Digest, which is a once a day email message with all the endorsements you have received listed) How to Delete and Add Skills It is ideal for you to go through your Skills Endorsements list on a regular basis. Scroll down the section on your profile and click the pencil icon on the right-hand side. Set top skills. LinkedIn allows you to select three skills as your top skills. To make a skill a top skill, click on the pin icon on the left of the skill. It will go from white to blue and move to the top your skills list. This l ets people know that you want to be known for these skills above all others. Remove skills. As you scroll through your list of skills, you may notice some that you do not want on your profile. Simply click the trash can icon on the right to remove them. Reorder skills. If you want to reorder your skills, you can select the four lines icon on the right, click and drag to the spot you want it to stay. Add a skill. To add a skill, close out of the edit skills box and select the Add a New Skill on right of the Skills Endorsements section. LinkedIn will suggest some skills (based on your experience), or you may type in skills that you want listed. Remember that LinkedIn allows for you to list up to 50 skills.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Lab Technician - Career Information

Lab Technician - Career InformationLab Technician - Career InformationA lab technician collects and processes specimens, including skin and bodily fluid samples, from patients in a hospital or private medical diagnostic laboratory. He or she works under a laboratory technologistssupervision using procedures that helpmedical professionals diagnose diseases and,subsequently, plan treatments and ascertain their effectiveness. An alternative title for this career is medical laboratory technician. Quick Facts Employers include hospitals, medical and diagnostic laboratories and physicians offices. Most jobs are full time and, depending on when facilities are open, may include weekends, evenings and holidays. Workplace Problems Lab technicians come into contact with infectious specimens and toxic chemicals they must take the proper precautions, including wearing protective clothing and eyewear, to decrease their risk of exposure to these dangerous substances.They spend a lot of time on their feet. How to Become a Lab Technician To work in this occupation, you can complete an associate degree program in clinical laboratory science at a community college. This will take approximately two years. Alternatively, you can earn a one-year certificate from a hospital or a vocational or technical school. The Armed Forcesalso offertraining for lab technicians. Some states may require a professional license. You can use theLicensed Occupations Tool from CareerOneStopto learn about the requirements in the state in which you plan to work. What Soft Skills Do You Need? You will acquire the hard skills that allow you to do your job through your formal training, but lab technicians also need certainsoftskillsor personal qualities. They are Physical Strength and Stamina You must be able to lift and turn patients who have disabilities that limit their movement.Listening Skills The ability to understand laboratory technologists instructions and patients concerns is essent ial.Reading Comprehension Lab technicians must be able to read and understand instructions.Critical Thinking You must be able to compare the benefits of different solutions to problems before choosing the best one.